Permeance Prize

The Permeance Prize will be presented annually to outstanding individual who are in the middle of their professional careers in membrane science and technology.

The purpose of the Award is to recognize and encourage individual contributions in the field of membrane science and technology, and service to NAMS by a mid-career member of the Society. Two awards will be given each year.

Apply today

Apply today •

award details

The award recipients will have a demonstrated track record in membrane science/technology and service to NAMS.

The award recipients will be exceptional in at least one of these areas. Recipients will receive a $1,000 cash prize, free registration to the NAMS Meeting, a free one-year membership in NAMS, a hotel room for the duration of the meeting at the conference hotel, and a commemorative plaque from NAMS and will be invited to present an overview of their work as an invited slot in an appropriate session  at the annual NAMS meeting.


This award is open to all Membrane Scientists within 15 years after completion of their terminal degree on July 31st of the year of the award and have not received a Permeance Prize previously*. Exceptions to the 15 year timeline will be considered on a case-by-case basis via the NAMS Board of Directors. Justification for extensions beyond 15 years should be included in the nomination packet cover letter.

The award will be granted regardless of race, gender, religion, ethnicity, nationality, sexual orientation, gender expression, gender identity, presence of disabilities, and educational background.

Application materials

Nominations must be submitted by a member of the North American Membrane Society.  (Note: Members of the NAMS Board of Directors cannot submit nominations during their term of office).  The nomination package should include:

The following items must be submitted as a single PDF file or the application will be rejected:

  • A nomination letter from a NAMS member describing the individual’s contribution and its importance to the field of membrane science and technology (1000 words)

  • Up to two supporting letters in support of the nomination from no more than two individuals (additional signatories not allowed) (800 words each)

  • List and critical assessment of up to five key contributions to membrane science and technology (1000 words or less)

  • CV, including relevant positions, recognitions, and a list of publications and patents.

Application packages must be received by October 1st, 2025 per e-mail to

The award winners will be selected via a panel of membrane scientists and technologists appointed by the NAMS Board of Directors. Award decisions will be made as soon as possible and before the deadline for abstract submission for the NAMS Annual Meeting.

*Extensions will be granted for qualifying life events that occurred during the standard fifteen (15) year eligibility window. Example qualifying events include childbirth, parental leave, COVID-19 delays, and extended caregiving of a sick family member. The award nomination must include a request for the extension and documentation of the leave. Any requests for the extension and documentation of the leave should be sent to before the submission of the award package.

No more than two years may be excluded from the countable years, regardless of the combination of circumstances.


  • Dr. Jeff McCutcheon

  • Dr. Jason Bara