NAMS 2022 COVID-19 Guidelines

NAMS 2022 COVID-19 Guidelines2022-04-22T19:36:09+00:00

COVID-19 Guidelines

Dear NAMS 2022 In-person Attendees,

We are aware that COVID cases continue to fluctuate worldwide. Therefore, we plan to implement evidence-based strategies to mitigate the potential spread of COVID during NAMS:

1) We strongly encourage all attendees to be vaccinated and boosted, if eligible and medically possible.

2) We strongly encourage all attendees to wear medical-grade face coverings while in any indoor conference public spaces.

3) We have moved all conference-sponsored Food and Beverage events into the outdoor courtyard of the hotel or in well-ventilated indoor/outdoor external locations.

4) In partnership with the ASU’s Clean Air DIY Corsi-Rosenthal Box Project (CR Box) we will build and place Corsi-Rosenthal Cubes and CO2 monitors in all meeting rooms for the duration of the conference. After the event we will donate these Corsi-cubes to local public K-12 classrooms.

We look forward to seeing you all in Tempe, for a safe and fun conference!


Kerri Hickenbottom, Vicky Karanikola, Manish Kumar, Mary Laura Lind